Showing posts with label Business Building. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Building. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 July 2015

9 Tips on How to Face Difficult Conversations in Business Avoiding Stress!

We all have to face up to difficult conversations at times that we’d sooner not have. Whether it be an employee, a client, a business partner or someone else, the thought of being the bearer of bad news, facing up to the elephant in the room or handling an error, can lead to many a sleepless night. Here are some tips on how to reduce the stress and get a better outcome.

How To Lower The Stress and Improve Your Outcomes When Discussing Real Issues?

 1. Is the conversation necessary?

This isn’t a cop-out! On occasion, a major issue today may be a lesser one tomorrow. You should decide, without fooling yourself, whether time is on your side or whether this is something that isn’t going to go away. If it’s the former, then schedule a moment for you to revisit it - say, a week ahead - and forget about it until then. If the latter, then let’s carry on…

2. Choose your conduit

Face-to-face discussions are usually going to be best. Telephone or email may seem the easier option but the absence of visual signs depersonalises the conversation and makes misunderstandings far more likely whilst, physically, people remain in their own defensive camps. Practicalities or security may require otherwise but, even then, video and online conferencing can allow a degree
of ‘face-to-face’ benefit.

3. Choose your location

If you are driving the conversation, then you will want to be on your home turf, so that you can control more aspects of the meeting and have the benefits of being the home team. However, if your position is weak - let’s say you are trying to address an error by your firm - then being the visitor can have its advantages. By going to them you are already taking a conciliatory tone. You are holding your hand up. If neutral turf is required, then make sure you’re the one who organises the practicalities, giving you that element of control again.

4. Plan your approach

This does not mean lying awake at night going through imagined conversations. Three areas of preparation should be in focus:
  • Be clear with your objectives. What outcomes are you looking to achieve? This is the most important point, as it will help to guide the conversation.
  • Do your homework. Make sure you know the history and the facts from your end.
  • Consider your options. Be clear what is acceptable to you and have a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C…….

5. Plan your meeting

Nobody likes nasty surprises. Planning an ambush may work in Westerns but is unlikely to result in a positive outcome for you. Arrange a meeting in advance and with at least an indication of the topic for discussion. Make sure that the time requirement is clear so that attendees don’t have an excuse to rush off.
Prepare for your guest's arrival. Make sure that you have everything to hand that you will need, ensure that your location is welcoming and devoid of distractions and make their attendance as easy as possible with a convenient time, clear access instructions and a friendly welcome.

6. Getting into your meeting

Keep your introduction short. After the formalities, explain clearly and briefly what you are together to discuss. Don’t keep your attendee waiting for the topic to come out, it will only add to the pressures. Explain what you intend to cover and ask if they wish to add any topics or points of their own.

7. Style

Your manner and body language is vital throughout. You should be clear, calm and composed and your body language should be open and neutral. No folding of arms, leaning back in your chair or raising your voice. This may be difficult at times but lose control and you lose the meeting.

8. Don’t make assumptions

Don’t assume that you are right, don’t assume that your option is the only one and don’t assume that you know how they will react. Instead:
  • be prepared to listen...and do listen
  • be prepared to be flexible (within your objectives)
  • be prepared for a range of emotions (and don’t assume the immediate reaction is the true one)

9.Sign off properly

The key to such discussions is always to be clear and unambiguous. That applies just as much when you close the meeting. If a resolution or action plan has been reached, then summarise this and follow it up in writing. If the matter is unresolved, then be clear on what happens next, whether it be further discussion, a cooling-off period or a proposal to be made. Again, follow up in writing.
Thank your attendee….it’s just business!

☎ 020 89310165
☏ 07900537459

Monday 20 July 2015

Delegate For Happier Employees & To Reduce Your Stress!

Delegate: To entrust a task or responsibility to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.
Sometimes you’ll feel overloaded, and there’s only so much you can do. One hundred things need doing, and unless you’re superhuman, it’s physically impossible to get everything done.

So what do you do? Well, you do something. Anything that makes you stressed can’t be ignored! You weren’t born to place a heavy burden on yourself all the time.

Take action by delegating. The very word ‘delegate’ can send a shiver down your spine. But delegating isn’t a bad thing. It can benefit you and your team.
It benefits you by:
  • Saving you time
  • Relieving stress
  • Employees acknowledging your leadership skills
It benefits your employees by:
  • Developing their skills in new areas
  • Testing their imagination and how they handle more responsibility
  • Retains your hard workers
These are just a few of the advantages. There is, however, a fine line between delegation being beneficial and detrimental to your relationship with employees.

If you don’t delegate properly, you risk employees feeling like you’re overloading them with work. They become stressed, unhappy and feel ill-treated. But doing it correctly actually enhances your employees’ job satisfaction.
There will be a point when you have to delegate with your team because you have new projects, the firm is growing or you need to balance the workload. Change your mindset from thinking ‘I have too much do to and need someone to help’ to ‘How can I challenge my employees so they’re happy and feel fulfilled whilst enabling me to focus on other things?’ 

When To Delegate:

The process should never just be about you. Handing out extra work due to your poor timekeeping will decrease employees' loyalty to you.

But don’t hold a huge weight on your shoulders just because you’re worried about how employees will react (more on how to approach employees later).
Have you considered your team’s workload? Are they in the middle of a huge project right now? If so, it’s not the best time to ask them, or maybe they’re not the right person to ask. Their workload will become too much and the task won’t receive the level of care and perfection it needs.

How To Delegate:

To avoid confusion and unhappiness, tell the person who is completing the work why they are. Explain how you came to this decision, including how they will benefit from it, and why you aren’t taking on the responsibility.
Here are a few points to help:

1. Choose the right people for each task.

In order for it to develop your employees’ skills, dedicate each task to those who will a) Enjoy it, b) Have time to do it, c) Want to develop skills in the area.

2. Be patient.

Your employees will probably have lots of questions and at points will be confused. It could take time before they know exactly what is expected of them.
Not only this, but you shouldn’t approach them one day with a list of things you “need doing by the end of the week”. Allow a reasonable timescale for completion. If that means someone else handling some of the work, then so be it.

3. Communication is key.

Nobody likes to be in the dark. If you think something might change, tell your team. If the deadline needs to be shortened, tell your team.

4. Provide clear instructions.

Right from the get-go, make it clear to your employees exactly what is expected of them.
Could you build a car without instructions? Anyone can do anything if they’re told how.

5. Be aware of their workload.

Do you know what your employees’ workloads are like?
Rather than dropping a bomb on them unexpectedly one day, listen to how much time they have available. You don’t want the project to be rushed, nor your employees to be stressed.
At this stage, you may even choose to reduce their normal activities to prioritise the new work.

6. Give credit.

And when it’s all over, don’t forget to say “thank you” and “well done”. Taking all the credit for something you didn’t do is a sure way of your employees not helping you out again.
If you delegate often, your employees may be thinking towards the end, ‘What am I getting out of this?’ and you need to have an answer.

How Not To Delegate:

There are wrong ways too. When I say ‘wrong ways’, I mean approaching the situation with demands that make your employees unhappy coming into work, which will tarnish their relationship with you.

1. Only delegating when you feel overwhelmed. 
This tells employees that you’re unorganised and unwilling to be a team player.
2. Don’t be a perfectionist.
Perfectionists don’t usually delegate effectively. You’d be right in wanting something to be completed to a certain quality, but not everyone works the way you work. Don’t be too specific in your instructions, or not clear enough. Strike the balance.
3. Don’t keep extending work.
Have you ever done something and then been told it wasn’t needed? If yes, your time and skills were wasted.

Don’t cause confusion by constantly changing what you originally asked for. It’s unfair and stressful.
I could have written pages and pages on how to make this process enjoyable for everyone, but these are the main points. If you don’t make delegation a negative process, it won’t be.

☎ 020 89310165
☏ 07900537459

Saturday 18 July 2015

7 Strategies To Capitalise On Your Acres Of Diamonds!

When you’re constantly looking to acquire more clients, it’s easy to forget about your most prized asset - your EXISTING clients. This is a mistake I see often.

In many ways, it’s easy to understand why existing clients are neglected, but it’s no excuse.

Growing your firm is challenging (I don’t need to tell you that). But having strategies to retain existing clients and to maximise profits from them are without doubt the quickest, easiest and most cost-effective ways to grow your accounting firm AND give you the income and earnings you desire.

So let’s take a look at the different strategies you can use right now to capitalise on the relationship you already have with your existing clients… 


The best and easiest way to maximise profits is to increase your fees. This is a no-brainer.
Systematically increase your fees by at least 15% EVERY year.
You’ll be surprised how few clients you lose as a result and the ones that do leave are the ones you don’t want anyway (price-conscious).

The reason why price increases are so successful is because YOU’RE NOT CHARGING ENOUGH RIGHT NOW ANYWAY. There’s a significant element of added value which you can capitalise on - and increasing your prices is the easiest way to do this.


One of the best ways to add value, build strong relationships and retain clients is to use Moments Of Truth (MOT). We discuss MOT often in these pages, but if you’re new to AFG, MOT are the steps you take at each interaction with your clients to ensure their experience with you is exceptional.

If you focus on every interaction you have with a client and make this the BEST it can be each time, you will create a world-class service.

You’ll retain far more clients and strengthen the bond you have with them - making them less susceptible to the advances of your competition.


I know this sounds almost ridiculous, but guess what? Your clients don’t know what you sell.

How many times have you spoken to a client and they’ve turned to you and said something like, “We’ve just gone to ABC company for XYZ,” only for you to turn round to them and say, “Didn’t you know we do that?”

This is more common than you think. Plus, it also brings into focus that if they don’t know what you offer, they won’t even think to buy it. So making them aware of what you sell will prevent many clients from sourcing this service from other suppliers and also increase the likelihood of them buying the service from you.

There are more, but here are 2 easy ways to do this…
  1. Include a list of services with short descriptions in your newsletter (see next strategy). This can either be within the newsletter itself or as an insert.
  2. Send a letter 4 times a year making clients aware of the services you sell. A good way to do this is to use a tick-box approach whereby you ask them to tick the services they would like more information on. You then follow up with those who want more information. This strategy alone will yield significant income opportunities for you.


This is still one of the least-used strategies, but sending a printed monthly newsletter to clients is one of the best things you can do. Done right, it can achieve all of the following for you…
  • Help to retain clients
  • Get clients to buy new services from you
  • Motivate clients to buy more existing services from you
  • Keep clients engaged with you, strengthening your relationship with them
  • Differentiate you from the competition
  • And much, much more
To begin with, keep it simple. 4 pages is ample, but your goal should be to increase to 8 pages.
Business Builder Newsletter


Segmenting their client list is something that very few firms ever do. Instead, they treat every client in the same way. But, clients are not created equally. Pareto’s ‘80/20 Rule’ is applicable to your client base. 80% of your profit will come from 20% of your clients. 80% of your headaches come from 20% of your clients, and so on. It is vital that you identify who your best clients are, so you can focus on giving them the attention they deserve. Reference our execution plan on ‘A-D Client Segmentation’ for more details.


Now you’ve segmented your client list, you can start to communicate more with your best clients (’A’ and ‘B+’).

Simply picking up the phone once or twice a year and having a general discussion on how things are going will ultimately lead to more opportunities and, therefore, more business for you.


Once a year, you should organise a ‘Client Appreciation Event’ either at your office or a local hotel/restaurant and treat your best clients. Once again, you’ll be surprised by how much extra business this generates for you.

There are, of course, many more strategies you can use to generate more and more business from your clients. These 7 strategies are a good place to start.

To know more and be up-to-date, contact us:
020 89310165 ☏ 07900537459 | ✉

Wednesday 24 June 2015

7 Tips for effective Employee Management!

Working with the guy who shows up at 9.15am with the remainder of last night’s party on his breath is fun for no one. Nor is dealing with the undecider who takes days to produce a one-page report.
Difficult people can drive you batty, but there are effective ways to tolerate this in the workplace.

1. Listen

We’re all human - we have bad days, but bad days shouldn’t turn into weeks and months in the workplace. If an employee is difficult, it may be because they are unhappy in their position, or there are personal issues. As a manager, you should always give your employees the opportunity to express their side first. Don’t be a school teacher where you don’t give your team the chance to explain their side first, before jumping to the dark side.

Listening shows you care and it may also highlight that the solution is a quick fix solvable by you.

2. Feedback Meetings

Complaining about employees for months, or even years, is not a constructive way of dealing with difficult staff. The situation will not miraculously resolve itself. Be proactive.
Hearing you haven’t done so good on your latest task isn’t the best thing to hear, but you shouldn’t be afraid to tell staff that you disagree with what they’re doing. If your directions are clear, the meeting can lead to huge progression.

Giving honest feedback is uncomfortable for any manager, but it doesn’t have to be a dire process.
Make the meetings regular—every six months is great, because it doesn’t allow             employees to get off track.
Make feedback meetings structured, so everybody knows what is expected of them when they close the office door and sit down at their computer. Use the meeting to inspire your team to work harder. Specific targets and clear deadlines will mean that staff have no excuse for uncompleted work, unless they don’t understand - in which case, ask if they have any questions. They shouldn’t feel uncomfortable   asking. If they do, there is a definite need to make changes to your management style.

Begin feedback meetings by asking employees how they view their own work ethic. Having an understanding of how they view themselves is a great starting point. A great manager gives their employees a chance to explain their side of a story.

3. Be Consistent

If there are set rules, don’t occasionally allow some staff to break them. A person shouldn’t be punished for not doing something, and then let off the following week. This is unreliable management and staff won’t know where they stand, and the likelihood is they won’t take you seriously when they are penalised.

4. Help Staff Get Back On Track

A good manager doesn’t just tell their employees what to do, and then leave them to it. They help their employees. That doesn’t mean holding their hand and checking up on them every five minutes. But regular reviews will keep them heading in the right direction, so they don’t fall off track.

The best teachers at schools are those who explain what students need to do, and are very approachable, so students never fear asking them for help if they're confused. At times, being a manager is similar to the role of a teacher.

Coach the difficult employee through their problems and find suitable solutions if current ones aren’t working for them. Try new methods.

Don’t make employees feel like a failure, but give them time to    adjust their behaviour and        actions, with deadlines (of course, you can’t keep hoping they will change).  

5. Get Involved Soon

Don’t allow the problems to build up and spiral out of control. If an employee hasn’t worked to the company’s standards, step in. Don’t wait until there is another problem and then another, until some action is taken. This invites trouble.

It’s easier from the beginning if employees know where they stand. One problem is easier to deal with than ten.
If an employee thinks they are getting away with regularly texting during work hours and subscribing to YouTube videos, they will persistently do this, which over time is costing your business time and money.

6. Don’t Just Focus On The Negative Things

This probably goes against everything you’ve just read, but honestly, if a manager only focusses on what an employee is doing wrong, they won’t notice when something is done right.

A manager should believe in their staff; after all, they hired them because they’re skilful and talented. Baby steps in the right direction are better than continuing with a poor work ethic. Remember that.
If an employee who never gets in on time suddenly starts showing up ten minutes early, they don’t deserve a gold medal, but this progress should be recognised.

7. Know Staff

Getting to know staff can make life easier. They will feel that they can communicate their issues to their manager, and the manager can also notice when things aren’t right.

A bad manager hides in their office all day and lets their staff get on with their work unsupervised – never asking how they’re getting on. A good manager understands their staff, sees through their fake smile and     notices when they aren’t typing away like they usually are.

Having a close relationship with all staff members makes life easier. Asking regularly how they’re getting on can stimulate the quiet ones in the office to approach you if they’re quietly stressing. 
020 89310165
☏ 07900537459

Wednesday 17 June 2015

The Amazing Power Of Persuasion

Whether we like it or not, as business owners we are in the business of persuasion.
Persuasion covers many different facets of our business. We need to use persuasion to elevate prospects to customers. Customers need to be persuaded to buy more frequently from us. The team around us need to be persuaded to do the things we want them to do things they like and don’t like doing. 

Even suppliers from time to time need persuasion to deliver the things we want from them, whether that’s in terms of products or services or service (with a capital ‘S’). The point is, if we can get good with ‘ethical’ persuasion, then the effect on our business will be significant.

Subconsciously, many of us use persuasion without even realising it. Our children master persuasion at an early age too! But what’s more interesting is that there is a science to persuasion that can be measured.

Perhaps the leader in the ‘field of persuasion’ is Robert B. Cialdini. His bestselling book ‘Influence—The Psychology Of Persuasion’ is an interesting read and covers the 6 major areas of persuasion…

1. Reciprocity
2. Scarcity
3. Authority
4. Liking
5. Consistency
6. Consensus
As a firm, we regularly (and not always consciously!) use reciprocity, authority, liking and consistency but I’d like to just talk about the real impact reciprocity can have on your business. This is the science of giving before receiving. Simply put, people are obliged to give back to others the form of behaviour, gift or service that they have received first.
For example, a recent study carried out at a number of restaurants demonstrated the result of giving each diner a simple mint with their bill at the end of the meal and the effect it had on the size of the tip. The results are quite frankly staggering and revealing (if you run a restaurant, you should implement this immediately!)…

They found that giving one mint with the bill increased the size of the tip by 3%. Not bad. Giving two mints quadrupled (yes, quadrupled) the tip to an increase of 14%. But when the waiter gave one mint per diner, walked away, paused and then turned back saying ‘for you nice people, here’s an extra mint’, tips increase an incredible 23%.
 That’s the power of reciprocity. How can you use it in your business to increase sales and profits? 

020 89310165
☏ 07900537459

Tuesday 9 June 2015

3 Easy Tips to Recruit Via Mobile Channels!

Are you a small business looking for the best recruit but can't afford big budget for recruitment drive? Small and big organizations are using the mobile platform alike for recruiting the best resource in the market. In today’s mobile world, more and more people are using social media services like LinkedIn to search for jobs. In order to find the best potential candidates, businesses need to take advantage of this trend.

Here are a few tips and ideas you can use to help you find your next new recruit:

1. Post Jobs on Social Media

In addition to listing vacancies on your company's website, post them to social media sites. LinkedIn is a favourite among recruiters, and many job seekers will use LinkedIn’s search functionality to find their next role. 
Image Source: Adweek

Facebook is less business-focused, but people may still look at company pages for jobs. Many businesses also use Twitter to post messages such as, “We are hiring! We are looking for a talented [job title] to join our team. Click here for more information.” The “click here” can then be a link to your company website with full details of the role and information on how to apply.

2. Use Mobile-Friendly Online Applications

Jobseekers should be able to fill out their online application using their phone or tablet. Potential applicants generally want to be able to apply for jobs directly from their mobile devices. If your firm doesn’t already have a mobile-friendly application page or system, you should revise your page so that it is responsive (works on tablets, phones, laptops and desktops), doesn’t require too much typing and lets the applicants easily upload their CV and cover letter. If you are using LinkedIn to advertise a job vacancy, you can even set up the job listing so that the applicant can click on an “apply now” button and then apply using their LinkedIn profile as their CV. This makes it much easier for candidates to apply for the role.

3. Use an applicant tracking system

Each application you receive should ideally be automatically entered into an applicant tracking system. Not only will such a system ensure that you have all applications on file, it will also organise applicant's CVs and cover letters. Your online application can have fewer forms, which are annoying to fill out on a mobile device, because an applicant tracking system can read and organise any documents that applicants upload.
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Friday 5 June 2015

What is Experiential Marketing? 4 Simple Techniques to Implement it!

We often hear or read about experiential marketing in the business press. So, what is it and what is it all about?

What is Experiential Marketing?

Experiential marketing is a way of marketing in which the customer/consumer is made to experience the product rather than just seeing and hearing; includes as many other human senses as possible. It essentially involves the promotion of your business and brand in a way that allows both customers and prospects to connect and interact with you and have memorable experiences. Based upon such brand-related encounters, your customers may or may not accept your product or service offering.

4 Simple Techniques to Implement Experiential Marketing:

The success of an experiential marketing initiative depends upon the quality and impact of the techniques you incorporate into your campaigns in order to attract attention. Developments in the mobile world, social networking, and content marketing have ensured that the business environment today is set for experiential techniques.

1. Ensure that the marketing strategy is brand-related

There is no point in running a campaign if prospects are unable to identify your brand. The way in which you promote your brand should communicate that it impacts the lives of your target audience positively. They must be able to relate with your products or services in order for them to accept your brand.

2. Connect with customers digitally

You can reach out to your existing and potential customers via connected devices such as smartphones and tablets. In order to do this effectively, you will have to create content marketing and social media campaigns based upon the interests of your prospects. Focus on the things they are interested in, or that are important for them.

3. Build brand association

Do not forget emotional relevance. By using experiential marketing campaigns, you want buyers to gradually become connected emotionally to your brand and this is what will ultimately secure their loyalty. If they like your brand, what it represents and how it makes them feel, they will take proactive measures to gather purchase-related information. Ensure that your experiential campaign creates a customer experience that becomes synonymous with your brand in a positive way.

4. Be newsworthy

Make your business newsworthy in order to increase its reach and visibility among your target market. Experiential campaigns can do this very well, provided you implement the right strategies. When your existing customers cannot stop talking about the quality of your products or services, they will essentially be ambassadors for your brand.

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Thursday 16 April 2015

4 Top Recruitment Tips to get the best for you!

Recruiting Is Never Easy!

A business is only as good as the people who work in it. When you are making a recruitment decision you are taking on responsibility for the cohesiveness of the staff and diversity in your workplace in addition to cherry-picking the kind of talent that can help to drive your business forward. Here are 4 top tips to get the best recruit for your company:

Rushing the Process

Making good choices about the people who will represent the company and drive it's future should not be rushed. Taking the time to contemplate the fit of a new hire can spare you a great deal of heartache and having to redo the whole process six months down the line road because of incompatibility. Having adequate software such as an applicant tracking system can help save you time by narrowing down individuals who meet the needs of the company. Your discerning eye can do the rest.

Choosing Talent Over Personality

It can be a big mistake to hire on the basis of talent alone. Some large global businesses like Google don’t pay too much attention to hiring graduates with MBAs or other heavyweight qualifications. They have come to realise that people that make it without college or University qualifications are often the most exceptional.  Of course, it's important to choose applicants that can meet the professional or creative requirements of the job, but their skill-set shouldn't be the only characteristic you vet them for.

An applicant’s personality also determines how well they'll work with others, how they problem-solve, and their likelihood to abandon the company should they be offered a bigger salary by a competitor. Aim for applicants that meet the talent quota but also deliver a personality that will work well with others.

Failing to Forecast

This hiring mistake can piggyback off the previously mentioned pitfall of rushing in: not anticipating company needs may cause you to make impulsive and hasty recruiting decisions. Understanding where the organisation currently is and where it's headed can add value to your recruitment selections. Before recruiting new members to your team, consider how applicants may meet existing needs but also their potential for fulfilling future needs. Otherwise, you could end up having to recruit double the staff over the long term.

Gut Feeling

Finally, learn to trust your gut feeling. If you have been in business for a long time, you will have a good idea of what your business needs in terms of its people. Let your instincts guide you - if a candidate feels right, then they probably are right.

 Post your thoughts and ideas as comments below.

APJ Accountancy | 020 89310165 | 07900537459 |

Tuesday 7 April 2015

4 Tips to Get More Out Of Your Networking!

While satisfied customers may be your best sales force, they are not the only sales force. There are lots of other people out there who can send business your way if you make the effort to network with them and make it worth their while.

The concept of networking and word-of-mouth marketing is a very hot topic in business today for one simple reason: lots of people are starting small businesses that need to find other businesses they can work with for mutual benefit.

Your networking time needs to be marketing time. This means putting yourself in front of customers or people who will send customers your way. With that in mind, 4 important tips to help you to get more out of your networking:

Competitors can be a networking opportunity

Just because you go head to head with other businesses does not mean that you can’t work together sometimes (for mutual gain). Airlines have an agreement whereby they book business for each other in return for a fee. You may find it useful to work out such an agreement with some of your competitors. On the other hand, you may have an informal agreement whereby you refer one of your competitors to customers for no fee in the hope that they might reciprocate.

Businesses that complement yours

If you put an accountant, a surveyor and a lawyer in the same room – you may have people who can refer clients to each other. When a customer buys from you, what other products and services is he/she likely to want or need? These businesses are the ones that you should consider networking with in order to build reciprocal referral links.

Prepare in advance

Before going to any networking function, make sure that you are prepared. Have business cards, prepare your elevator pitch and read through the attendee list before you go. Try to identify at least 3 people on the list that you want to network with. After the event, make sure to follow up with your new contacts.

Ask for referrals

That is why you are there. After describing your business to someone, ask, "who do you know who might need my services?" Take the time to describe your typical customer. Follow-up on leads as quickly as you can. Where possible, send business to your referrers. Reciprocity is the basis for all good relationships and it is especially true in business. When someone sends a customer to you, acknowledge it with at least a thank you. Keep in touch with your contacts and where possible, send them a referral.

Friday 20 March 2015

Using Social Media To Grow Your Business!

The stats, for once, don’t lie…
 Digital marketing giant eMarketer estimates that social media platforms boast over 1.73 billion users worldwide. A number that’s expected to climb to 2.55 billion by the year 2017.
What’s more, according to a recent Nielson study, 46% of consumers turn to social media to help with purchasing decisions. This means that your prospects are most certainly out there, and they’re relying on the social aspect of the web more and more to help them decide who to do business with. So how can you tap into this incredible opportunity to gain more leads for your own business? Let’s take a look.

· 93% of businesses are using at least one social media platform (Forbes)
· 86% of SMEs state that social media is vital to their business (Social Media Today)
· 43% of businesses state that their social media is ineffective due to poor knowledge of each platform (Harvard Business Review)
· 46% of SMEs state that social media is their key marketing strategy (HBR)
· 13% of businesses don’t use social media because they can’t find the right staff (HBR)
· 54% of businesses acquired a client through social media in 2013 (Social Media Today)
· 92% of companies that blogged and updated content every day acquired at least one customer per month (hubspot)
· 53% of social media marketers don’t track their performance on social media
· 72% of social media users are aged 25-49
· Fastest growing demographic on social media is the 45-54 age range
· Worldwide there are over 189 million Facebook users
· Every second, 2 people join LinkedIn
· Over 1 billion people now use some form of social media
Like all stats, you can take them two ways but what’s undeniable is that YOUR clients and potential clients use social media. This means you can REACH them there.
The challenge, though, for the business owner is obvious…

Wikipedia reports that there are 343 social networking sites but there are likely to be at least double or treble this amount. So how do you know which ones to focus on?
This was our challenge over a year ago when we started testing social media. With so many sites to choose from, which ones work best? Not surprisingly, we’ve found the ‘BIG’ players to be the most successful in terms of engaging with and acquiring subscribers and members.
You should only focus your time and energy on the following sites…
· Facebook
· Twitter
· LinkedIn
· Google+
· YouTube
windows)  and ultimately the your efforts. But it’s in respect to the ‘effort’ where social media has its big drawback. 
You see, the whole point of social media is being ‘current’ and ‘timely’. Posting once a month or once a week just isn’t enough. You have to do it daily (5 days a week), otherwise your social media won’t build.
But that’s the challenge. Posting 5 times a week just isn’t easy.
However, with careful planning you can do it.
As I said earlier, for the last 12 months we’ve been testing what works with social media and what doesn’t. All this testing has enabled us to create a 5-stage plan we call ‘SWARM’. These are the 5 things you need to do to build a highly targeted fan base (clients and potential clients) which in turn will help you acquire more fees. You’ll see none of this is rocket science, but as with everything—you have to put the effort in to get the rewards…

The first thing you need to do is think about your objectives. This will help you develop your social media strategy. Like everything I talk about in GMC, your objective needs to be hinged around retaining clients, increasing fees  from clients and acquiring new clients. Your social media objective is no different.

Winning Design & Set-Up:
The next stage is to get your relevant pages in Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Google+ designed professionally. This is very important.
It is key that you have a consistent ‘look and feel’ across your social media sites. DON’T DO THIS YOURSELF. Get a designer to come up with the designs—it should only cost you a few hundred pounds/dollars.
Now you know the objective of your social media and you’ve got your pages all looking great, you can start to build your fan base. This needs to be centred around existing clients AND prospective clients.
Set yourself a goal to increase your fan base by X per week/month. For example, with Twitter you might set your target to follow 10 people each week—which in turn will get you between 7 and 9 followers yourself (most people will follow you back).
This simple approach will result in a perpetual and ongoing increase in followers, likes and shares, etc.
By posting on each of your social media sites 5 times a week, you’ll be encouraging your fan base to interact with you, which is the key to social media success.
This constant activity will help your growing fan base…
· To share your information
· Refer you to friends
· Write positive reviews
· Provide recommendations
· Increase engagement and interaction
Of course, this interaction means you’ll also need to reply and respond back, so factor in time each day to do that.
As an important aside, we’ve noticed that adding images, diagrams and pictures to your content does make a big positive difference to your results, so search for interesting images.
You’ll also want to search and share relevant industry-specific news articles periodically and create questions and polls relevant to your business.
Measurement & Optimisation:
As a subscriber of GMC, you know that it’s vital you measure everything you’re doing.
It’s no different when it comes to your social media. You need to measure, analyse and manage every social media post and activity across the breadth of your social media sites.
This is arguably the most time-intensive part of your social media plan, but it will give you the insights you need to keep building your ‘SWARM’ (fan base).
For example, you need to analyse which posts get the most engagement, who are your main demographics, when your customers/potential buyers are logging on to their social media and how many times they have clicked onto your website, etc.
Detailed analysis allows you to continually optimise your social media sites so they are performing to their maximum.
Like I said earlier, none of this is difficult. It’s just time-consuming. But having a social media platform is now just too important to neglect.
However, if you need any help getting your social media to really work for you, contact us.