Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Managing Your Time Effectively —Is The Route To Your Success

We’re almost approaching the end of 2014. What have you got done this year, and what will you get done during 2015?
I must confess, I used to be terrible at managing my time. And even now, whilst I manage my time fiercely, I still have to work at it. There’s no short cut. It takes real discipline to ruthlessly manage your time. However, what I do know is that there is a VERY high correlation between success and how well a business owner manages their time. Ultimately, the more you get done, the more successful you’ll be. Of course, you can be a busy fool. But the more time you give yourself to improve your business, your own development and the people around you—the more successful you’ll be.
But time is ALWAYS against you. Don’t you feel that the older you get, the quicker time passes? I’m not sure why this is, but each year seems to pass more quickly than the previous one. The days, weeks and months seem to roll into one, and before you know it 6 months have passed. You’re left wondering, ‘Where did thetime go?
Now that’s okay as long as you plan your year out AND manage your time ruthlessly. However, most people spend more time planning their holidays than planning THEIR YEAR AHEAD. 

If you plan - you get more done, much more done. If you fail to plan and set goals, it’s surprising how little you’ll accomplish.
All the high achievers and successful people in this world identify planning and goal-setting as a major contributor to their success. 
Why? Because in addition to giving them a clear roadmap, it also helps them plan their daily/weekly/monthly schedules, and effective management of time enables them to get more work done in a week than most other people get done in a month.
Now, I’m not going to spend any time talking about goal-setting (I’ve covered this before), but what I’d like to talk about are a few proven tips and strategies I’ve learned along the way, which have made me “one of the most prolific ‘work machines’ on the planet” (not my own words!). I promise you, getting stuff done is a crucial skill you can learn—but one that will ensure you reach your goals and dreams quicker than you ever thought possible. But mark my words…
None of this is easy. You have to be selfish with your time. People around you will NOT like it (until you’ve ‘trained’ them in your new ways). You’ll find it easy to slip back into your bad habits, but you must fight, and fight hard, to stay the course. Of all the main attributes surrounding success, managing your time effectively, whilst not easy to do, is certainly one of the easiest to acquire and develop.  
It’s also something that isn’t often associated with growing a business, but effective
management of your time is a very potent weapon (and, conversely, poor management of time can be a real business growth inhibitor).
The good news is that you can significantly improve your output if you follow my simple ‘5 Key Time-Management Tips For High Performers’. 

So here are my key Time-Management Tips:
Planning: Plan each month and then each week and then each day based on your goals.
The key here is to establish what you need to do each month to accomplish your goals.
Then break these tasks down to weekly and then daily tasks.  You must always prioritise these ‘goal-orientated tasks’ before ‘general tasks’.
You’re probably thinking—this will take a lot of thought and time to plan out. You’re right. It does. That’s why so few people do it. That’s why so few people succeed in life.
Do not underestimate the power of carrying out this first step—it is the key to your success.
Work During Your High-Performance Times: You’ll get much more done in times when your body is alert and active.
For me, this time is 5.30am-1pm and 8pm-11pm (but you’ll know when you’re at your best).  The worst times are generally after eating! My performance drops significantly after lunch. So I do all my writing in the mornings and other less important work in the afternoons.
It’s during these high-performance times that you should carry out your ‘Goal-Orientated Tasks’.  This one step alone will improve your output significantly—so make sure you only allocate this time to the important tasks!
Use the less productive times for ‘general tasks’ and meetings.
Here’s why using your high-performance time is so important…
1. Since our minds are more active and fresh, we can get more done.
2. Concentrating on the task at hand is much easier.
3. Our creative juices are flowing when our minds are more active and alert.
Block Out Your High-Performance Times: Next, make sure you block out your high-performance times and under no circumstances let other things get in the way.
Again, this is key to your success. Treat your high-performance times as compulsory appointments (in other words, you can’t cancel them).
If you have a secretary or PA, make sure they understand these ‘appointments’ are never to be broken and replaced with anything else.
Resist All Distractions: During your high-performance times, turn off your mobile, take your office phone off the hook and don’t open your e-mail programme.
Even one interruption can set you back an extra 15-30 minutes, not including the time of the interruption.
This does take a high level of discipline. In the early days you’ll find the temptation of leaving your phone or e-mail programme on hard to resist, but I promise you, if you cave in, this will slash your effectiveness by at least 50%.
Once you force yourself to reduce your distractions to zero, you’ll find it very liberating!
For example, as I’m writing this newsletter, it’s 8.52am. My phone is turned off. My e-mail is turned off. I am NOT contactable by anyone (not even my wife, no matter how hard she tries! - although now ‘she gets it’ so doesn’t bother). 
Seriously, this one discipline will make a massive difference to how much work you get done. Not one in 100,000 people have the mindset to do this, so mastering it will put you on a productivity level way above 98% of people around the globe.
Tell Staff (and Family): You must explain to staff and family that, unless it’s an emergency, you are not to be disturbed during your high-performance times.
If your wife (or husband) is anything like mine, it will take time for them to realize you’re serious about this. Helen didn’t even think she used to interrupt me, so every time she did, I made a note of it. That did the trick!!   
By adhering to these 5 key time-management tips, I guarantee you’ll get so much more done. This translates to greater income and more success.
The important thing is to discipline yourself. If it was easy to do these things, everyone would be doing them. The fact is, most people lack real discipline. And getting a high volume of stuff done requires real discipline. You can do it if you put your mind to it. But you have to work hard at it!

Saturday, 8 November 2014

UK Tax Deadline dates for November & December 2014

Tax Deadline dates for Businesses in The UK for the month of November & December 2014!

What’s Due
1 November
  Corporation tax for year to 31/01/14
19 November
 PAYE & NIC deductions, and CIS return and tax, for month to 5/11/14
 (22 November if paid electronically)
1 December
 Corporation tax for year to 28/02/14
19 December
 PAYE & NIC deductions, and CIS return and tax, for month to 5/12/14 (22 December 
 if paid electronically)
30 December
 Deadline to file 13/14 SA tax return online if unpaid tax (up to £3000) is to be
 collected via 14/15 PAYE code

This is for reference only and not a comprehensive list. For more and complete information, check

Please contact us if you have issues or need expert Tax assistance!

APJ Accountancy - A team of Chartered Certified Accountant regulated and monitored by The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
Tel: 020 89310165  
Mobile: 07900537459 

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Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Using The ‘Moving Parade’ To Grow!

Most business owners give up too soon. What I mean by this is that they may put a large amount of effort into creating a list of potential clients, devising a mailing (or e-mail, etc.) and mailing a marketing piece to that list.
Their investment in time and money can be considerable. No doubt you’ve done something in the past like this?
Don’t get me wrong—all this should be applauded. Getting something out there is infinitely better than doing nothing (something we constantly remind our clients about). But it’s a flawed plan.
Because selling any product or service is all about timing. Just because someone isn’t interested in buying your products or services today, it doesn’t mean they aren’t going to be interested tomorrow.
That is, in essence, what The Moving Parade is all about. Let me explain this further…
Let’s say that at the moment you’re really happy with your car. You’ve got no intention of changing it. Therefore, every advert, every mailing or any contact you have with a car dealer or car manufacturer is wasted on you.
Letters go in the bin without a second thought. You pick up your newspaper when the adverts come on TV. You simply aren’t interested. And nothing will prompt you at this stage to even consider changing your car.
However, three months later your circumstances have changed. You need to do more travelling, and so you decide it’s time to look for a more suitable car.
Now every mailing, advert, or communication to do with cars is instantly given attention by you. You’re ‘in the market’ for a new car and you develop an insatiable appetite to find out as much as you can about the cars which would suit you best.
This happens every single day when people are buying products and services.
The problem, though, is we don’t know WHEN their circumstances are going to change.
Therefore, if you don’t keep in touch regularly with your prospective customers, you’ll never get ‘lucky’ with the timing – because people move in and out of the market, depending on changing circumstances.
The Moving Parade Diagram.
By keeping in contact at least once a month, the chances that you will hit the prospect at the right time are increased tenfold. You will get ‘LUCKY’!
Plus, if your marketing pieces are memorable in the first place (remember, your marketing always has to stand out—DON’T BE BORING) it’s not inconceivable that a large proportion of your recipients will keep your material for a rainy day (when their circumstances change). The more material they keep for future reference—the better.
It doesn’t get any easier than this, does it? No one said growing a business was easy. But by adhering to just a few key principles, The Moving Parade being one of them (and others we discuss in this newsletter), your continued pursuit of greater success is assured.
But back to The Moving Parade...
 What can you send each month that will engage with the recipient (even if they’re not ready to move suppliers)?
Well, your monthly printed newsletter, of course.
A printed newsletter is, without question, one of the best tools in your marketing arsenal (this is why we created this newsletter!). But it takes time to create. For example, ‘The Business Builder’ takes us a couple of days to write (sometimes longer). It may take 3 or 4 days to write an 8-page newsletter.
But writing and mailing your own monthly newsletter (it is important you mail it and DON’T e-mail it) is one of the keys to your success. Not only can it be engaging, so readership is high, it also takes advantage of The Moving Parade. And, with low printing costs, you’ll be surprised how cheap it can be to produce an 8-page newsletter!
Do this one thing and your sales and profits will increase. Do NOT take this lightly. Taking advantage of The Moving Parade is one of the simplest yet most rewarding marketing strategies you can apply to your business, and one we recommend all our clients take advantage of.
APJ Accountancy - A team of Chartered Certified Accountant regulated and monitored by The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
Tel: 020 89310165  
Mobile: 07900537459 

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Prioritise Your Business Growth Tasks To GROW

We’re ALREADY three quarters of the way through 2014.
I don’t know about you, but the years seem to be getting quicker and quicker?
Our lives are getting busier. There are infinitely more interruptions to our working day than ever before. Mobile phones and e-mail have become massive ‘Time Vampires’ sucking the time out of your day.
Never before has it been so, so important to manage your time more effectively AND more efficiently.
So let me ask you a few simple questions…
From the beginning of 2014 to the end of September, what have you accomplished in your business? How far have you moved forward? What have you changed to ensure 2014 is your best year yet?
It pains me to say this, but arguably 99% of business owners have done very little to change their business’s fortunes in 2014. I sincerely hope you are NOT one of them.
Reviewing your Business Growth

Remember, if you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll get what you always got. 
Adhering to the key principle of this post will ensure you don’t fall into the same trap as many of your competitors and other business owners: “Simply apply at least one strategy  every  month  from  this post and your business will be unrecognisable in 12 months’ time.”
If time or, more importantly, a lack of time is your problem, or excuse, you have to do something right now to make time.
If you don’t plan to implement at least one strategy a month, you’ll get to the end of each year and wonder why your business isn’t a step closer to where you want it to be. It’s not rocket science.
Yes, we all have many other tasks to do each and every day. But prioritising has to be your mantra.
Nothing is more important than growing and managing your business. Therefore, you have to prioritise the tasks that move it forward. Simple.
Yet I wonder how effective you are at doing this?
Time will tell! 

To get more information for your small business on Marketing, Finance, Business Growth and Business Building, follow us here and at 

APJ Accountancy - A team of Chartered Certified Accountant regulated and monitored by The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
Tel: 020 89310165  
Mobile: 07900537459 